What I Did This Past Week 04 06 2018

PhpStorm continued


A couple of weeks back I mentioned that we had PhpStorm installed and that I was raring to go in adding test hooks with the intent of providing some stability and consistency to attributes, as it relates to automation. The next step was including all the dependencies to use PhpStorm. That was not an easy task at all, but by mid-week and two developers plus a manager later, we got everything configured!

The next step was working with my manager in getting oriented with branches, familiarization with the code and most importantly, where to add it.

I’ll have more on this next week as I add the hooks in. 😊

Test Talks Episodes #195 & #196

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I had gone a couple of weeks without listening to Test Talks episodes, as I had been super swamped and when I listen to them, I usually do so first thing in the morning, with a writing instrument and paper in hand. I continue to highly recommend this podcast as it is an excellent resource for continuous education as well as staying up on the latest and greatest trends

#195 | JavaScript Testing Using Jest with Kent C. Dodds

Interesting perspective that Kent Dodds discusses about JavaScript testing using Jest and Cypress. I had not heard of Jest prior to this podcast, but I couldn’t help but be intrigued by one of Jest’s philosophies “…to provide an integrated “zero-configuration” experience.” And although I’ve heard of Cypress, I’ve yet to use it, so I don’t have much to offer in terms of an opinion, but with companies such as Instagram, Twitter, Kickstarter, Soundcloud and Pinterest, it lends some credibility as well as

#196 | Rapid Software Testing with Michael Bolton

This was a SUPER interesting podcast personally for me for a couple of reasons.

The discussion around healthcare, FDA, etc., with Michael Bolton & Joe Colantonio, was of particular interest, since I came from the healthcare sector prior to working at iSpot. I appreciated Michael’s explanation about what the FDA is looking for if one is ever subjected to an FDA audit. I’ve been part of one at one of my prior places of employment, and the word audit is super scary, but in the end what they wanted, was not as bad as we thought.

The second piece of discussion that really made my ears spike up was when Michael said “There’s no manual testing” I honestly had to rewind that a few times to understand where he was coming from in that statement. I could not wrap my mind around it after listening to the podcast a couple of times. It wasn’t until Joe posted in the resources for the podcast, an article on Michael’s website titled “The End of Manual Testing” and I could better understand where he was coming from.

I really would like for you that read this, to listen to both podcasts. And if you haven’t already, bookmark Joe Colantonio’s Automation Awesomeness web site.

Special Thank-Yous!

thank you

  • Greg Paskal, thank you again my friend for providing fantastic information regarding repositories by which automation code is stored. Very, very helpful!
  • T.J. Maher, Andrew Krug, Jason Koelewyn and Penny Howard, thank you for the suggestions and great dialogue around mobile devices and solutions such as Mabl, Sauce Labs, Applitools and Smart Bear.

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